Club Registrar vacancy
After a number of years voluntary service, Colm Deehan has now stepped away from his role as club registrar. The Executive would like to convey our thanks on behalf of the entire club for his time and commitment to the job.
We now need to secure a replacement and have a small team available to support a replacement. Training and support in the role will be provided.
We now need to secure a replacement and have a small team available to support a replacement. Training and support in the role will be provided.
This is an important role, involving the registration of players and collecting membership subscriptions and should not be vacant for any length of time. If you feel you can support the club in this role, please email and we will provide further details of what the role entails.
“Ask not what your club can do for you, but what you can do for YOUR club”
“Ask not what your club can do for you, but what you can do for YOUR club”
Club Executive Committee