Calling all young players who also love to write!
Dublin LGFA are looking for written essays from budding sports journalists or Ladies Gaelic football enthusiasts aged 13-18 years of age.
Dublin LGFA are calling on young journalists to watch Sunday’s game versus Waterford, to imagine they are at the game, follow the play closely, compose an introduction, note the trend of the game, pick out key players and compile a match report (500 words or less).
The match is live streamed via https://page.inplayer.com/lidlnfl/ and throw-in time is 2pm
Parents / guardians can email the match report to info@dublinladiesgaelic.ie please type ‘WRITING COMPETITION MAY 23RD’ in the subject line.
THE PRIZE – An O’Neils Voucher valued at €100 plus the winning match report will be published on our website www.dublinladiesgaelic.ie and a link posted on our social media pages, namely Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Deadline for submission of competition entries is Tuesday May 25th, 5pm. Please include the journalists name, age, club and LGFA registration ID number.
The winner will be announced on Thursday May 27th via parents / guardians email address with announcement posted on Dublin LGFA media channels the same date. Prize voucher (note: no cash alternative to prize will be offered) will be emailed to winners parents / guardians email address provided within seven days of announcement. Organisers decision is final.