Great week for the club on #Leveltheplayingfield with

Getting closer to the 200 card target for €2k.

Only 3 weeks left – don’t forget to scan your Lidl Plus App, or see below or on how to sign up!  

Latest stamps collected Stats:

Download/open the Lidl Plus App and  tap the Lidl/LGFA banner.

Follow the prompts to select ‘Castleknock’ as the club you want to support.

One stamp for every €30* you spend in-store (excluding alcohol)  can go a long way to CHFC getting New Jersey’s or even €5,000 towards equipment etc up as far as €20k if we collect the most stamps in Leinster.

Once you’ve collected 6 stamps, submit your completed stamp card and start collecting again.

Completed stamped cards must be submitted by Sunday April 11th 2021.

See for more details about the promotion and the rewards.