Low Lie the Fields for U9 (2015) Boys

For the 2015 boys the last Go Game in under 9’s was wrapped up convincingly by mid November.

The end of the season, in line with the calendar year, was marked by two challenge fixtures against St Judes’s home and away.

Then it was all over bar the shouting. And boy there was a lot of shouting last night, the 2nd of Dec ‘24, as 62 warriors occupied Go Kids Go armed with lasers and made their escape with selection boxes and food bags in tow.

We said to the boys (as the din was muted by the arrival of roasted chicken nuggets) that the only things they need to think about over the holidays is:
1) Practice
2) Work together and
3) Practice.
And we encouraged them to get outside with a hurl or a ball over the holidays. Or both.

Looking back at their initial foray into competitive matches, these boys have grown a lot as players and as young men: https://castleknock.net/bumper-year-for-the-u7-2015-boys/

We hope to see you all in ‘25, fit and ready for the new season!

From the 2015 Boys Mentors