Club Membership

Membership of Castleknock & Hurling and Football Club runs from January to December – calendar year.

At the AGM 22/11/2024, the members voted to introduce three fundamental changes to Club Membership, which are fully described here (click here to view).

In short:

  • The Club Lotto in the current form (i.e. included in membership to 31/12/2024) will not be continued from 2025
  • The membership subscriptions have increased in price
  • In addition to the annual membership subscription, there is now, for most memberships, a compulsory contribution to a Capital Development Fund

The annual membership fee pays for the following:

  • Equipment including jerseys, footballs, sliotars, nets, sports hall hire, gym hire
  • Affiliation fees to national governing bodies, injury schemes, competition entry and referee fees,
  • Council charges and maintenance charges for pitches and all weather pitch and electricity.

The Capital Development fund MIGHT pay for the following, which are listed here only as possible examples:

  • Develop a full size all weather pitch
  • Install perimeter path at Somerton
  • Develop a People’s Space/Shed

Membership Subscriptions and Capital Development Fund

Each of the membership types listed are explained in the detailed guide to registration – see below. If you have any questions please email:


Family Membership49272564
Family Membership (Non Players)28872360
Family Membership (1 Mentor, 1 Juvenile Player)28872360
Individual Adult/Juvenile Membership (Family style – Born 2017 or earlier)24036276
Individual Nursery Membership (Family style – Born 2018 or later)1200120
Individual CAO Student/Apprentice Membership (Family style – Born 2008 or earlier)12018138
Individual Adult Membership24036276
Individual CAO Student/Apprentice Membership (Born 2006 or earlier)12018138
Individual Adult Social Membership96096


Payment Methods

There are two payment methods  to choose from when registering:

  • Credit/Debit Card – You can pay  by Credit/Debit card when registering through Clubforce.
  • Cash/Cheque/EFT/DD – You can choose a payment option of Cash/Cheque/EFT/DD when registering though Clubforce  but these payments cannot be set up  through Clubforce.

To set up a new payment by Direct Debit, please print and fill in the ‘CHFC Direct Debit Mandate‘ and send to the address as outlined in the registration documentation.

If you want to pay by Cash, Cheque or Electronic Bank Transfer please email