Safeguarding Course - Wed 1st Nov

Castleknock Hurling Club have a Safeguarding Course arranged in the Clubhouse on Wednesday November 1st at 7.30 pm facilitated by NIall Cooper.  If your or any of your mentors need a place on this course, please contact Barbara O’Neill by email giving the following details:

  • Name:
  • Mobile number:
  • Team you are helping with:
This course is for:
  • Those who have never done a safeguarding course
  • Those whose safeguarding is more than 3 years out of date.  
There is an online refresher you can do if your last safeguarding course was face to face or was the full 3-hour online course.  Mentors can contact Barbara for details.
As you know, all mentors need to fulfil the following 3 requirements:
  • At least a foundation coaching qualification
  • Up to date vetting ( valid for 3 years)
  • Up to date safeguarding training ( valid for 3 years). 
Mentors need to ensure that they comply with these requirements – if they are unsure, Barbara can check it. 
Barbara’s contact details:
Barbara O’Neill
Children’s Officer
📍Castleknock Hurling and Football Club
📞086 378 2419